Afshan Khan
You can control only two things in your life; your hairstyle and furniture.
– Afshan
QTAT was the brainchild of a first-generation entrepreneur and global business leader. She saw the potential in other people and could channel it to help them achieve their goals.
With over two decades of experience in business, Afshan started her first outsourcing business in 2006 from her apartment. She is an unconventional thinker with many firsts to her credit.
Under her leadership, QTAT delivered on the promise of making business process outsourcing accessible, affordable, and trustworthy to an array of clients ranging from Hospitals, Law Firms to various other businesses.
She was able to build a network of clients with the help of her Medical Director, Dr. Tareq Khan.
Founding Member of Daya, Inc. Houston, an organization that empowers South Asian survivors of domestic and sexual violence
Past Auxiliary President of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), USA
Founder of TASK Pain Management & Wellness Clinic, India